MGRA501 Authorship
& Interaction
Data Gathering
In this workshop, we were required to work in a group.
Using the data above, we made a map to represent the data.
looking at :
We were using nail and thread infographic to show and compare the data. In the map, there are few color paper below the name of place that length of color paper represent number of riot ( 1cm=1case ). Following the color of the riot, we used the same color of thread to link up the place when the riots were committed in that area. For example, we used red thread to link Haringey and Enfield up. Then, we can see which part is the most people committed and what kind of riot is the most appear in different area.
Data Visualization is a transversal discipline which harnesses the immense power of visual communication in order to explain, in an understandable manner, the relationships of meaning, cause and dependency which can be found among the great abstract masses of information generated by scientific and social processes.
Visualizations help people see things that were not obvious to them before. Even when data volumes are very large, patterns can be spotted quickly and easily. Visualizations convey information in a universal manner and make it simple to share ideas with others. It lets people ask others, “Do you see what I see?” And it can even answer questions like “What would happen if we made an adjustment to that area?”

Interactive data visualization goes a step further – moving beyond the display of static graphics and spreadsheets to using computers and mobile devices to drill down into charts and graphs for more details, and interactively (and immediately) changing what data you see and how it is processed.
Why Is It Important?
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. The process of creating infographics can be referred to as data visualization, information design, or information architecture.
Whether you like it or not, hirers are using social networks to screen job applicants. This video infographic sheds some light on how recruiters are using social media today to screen prospective employees.
more explorations
A example of Infographic video :
Social Media is Changing Recruitment